Event Database Template
If you are organising a run please fill in this form with as much detail as you can. This will help anyone organising the run in the future to sort out the kind of things they need to do.
Below is a copy of the document. As an example I have filled in the details for the Ian Marcer Autum Mist Run that I organised. There is also a link to a pdf version of the document that you can open up on your computer and print out to fill in the details. Download Event Run Database Document.
Database Template
(Fill in as
much detail as you can.)
Name of the Event e.g. Pie & Peas Run
Type of Event e.g. Social, Run, etc.
Date of Event and Start time
Organisers Name
Venue or Starting\End Point location:
Type of event, e.g. Run,
Drop off, Route Sheet, Other: -
Run organiser contact details, e.g. email, telephone
Start\End Contacts:
Contact details:
Toilets available:
Yes or No
Notes: -
The late Ian Marcer was a long time
section member who was the leader of many runs.
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