Pie and Peas 2024

The Pie and Peas Run left Marstons Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 9th of July. The weather had been a bit mixed with a lot of showers but we werre lucky that it was fine as we left and we didn't get any rain on the run. John Earp said he thought there were 10 bikes which was a pretty good turnout given the uncertain weather forecast.
Mick Dughan was going to lead the run but did not feel well enough so Vic Carrington-Porter took the lead on his B.S.A. twin.  Thank you Vic.👍 We made the almost obligatory left turn out of the car park and turned left out into countryside at the"Acorn" crossroads.  From there we had a  pleasant ride at a liesurely pace along the mostly quiet roads.  It was notable that although quite a few of the potholes had been given a bucket or two of tarmac the further you got away from the towns the bigger the potholes (craters?) got.We arrived back at the club a little before 8.00 pm where we found the room well filled with people who had not taken part in the run but were ready for their Pie and Peas.  I heard good comments about the pies and the vegetarian option pies Gloria and I had were good too.  There was also an ample helping of chips and peas plus bread and butter for those that wanted it. The food was by the new catering team so thank you for a job well done.  Thanks to those that generously provided raffle prizes and the ladies for selling the tickets. Eddy

pie and peas at marstons

pie peas 2






















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