Meet the Neighbours - Saturday 25th May 2024 

John Earp has sent this report.  The photographs are from John and Andy Roberts. Eddy.

My Honda was already dirty from the Intersection Classic Gathering run to the John Thompson Pub at Ingleby the previous week so when I noticed there was a possibility of rain, I decided to use the same bike again as I’m not a particular fan of cleaning bikes.

As I set off down the A38 to the meeting place on the A52 Ashbourne Road there were some rather black clouds above me but by the time I’d filled up with petrol and arrived at the Motus Commercial entrance the clouds had gone, and the sun was out.

Eighteen bikes of various age, make and size were assembled ready to go when at 2pm after checking we all understood the ‘drop off’ system Andy set off along the A52 towards Kirk Langley.

At Kirk Langley he took a left turn then a right turn onto Long Lane towards Alkmonton, Yeaveley and Darley Moor.

At Darley Moor we turned left onto the A515 then almost immediately took a right to Norbury, Roston, Doveridge and finally Sudbury – past Sudbury Hall and the National Trust Museum of Childhood – I know this because we often bring our 5-year-old grandson here.

Through Sudbury then right over the railway line towards Draycott and a left turn at Draycott village hall down Greaves Lane (locally known as the Fox Holes) to Hanbury and Anslow.

From Anslow we turned left down Longhedge Lane, across the A511 to Rolleston-on-Dove, then turn left through Rolleston village and left again at the junction and past the Spread-Eagle pub, then a right turn down Marston Lane – over the railway line again and straight on to the junction.

At the junction we turned right for Hilton and Andy took us the long route round endless mini roundabouts finally to the ‘Hilton Garage’ roundabout where we took the Willington Road over the railway line yet again at Egginton, over the A38 and into Willington.

In Willington we turned right (under the railway line for a change) to Repton, another left at Repton Cross to Milton, left again to Ingleby and finally the John Thompson Pub where we all stopped for a well-earned rest, chat, and refreshment.

Andy tells me the total distance was 48 miles – a little more than he’d originally planned but by now the sun was shining and as we chatted in the car park the mileage didn’t really matter as we’d all had a lovely ride in the afternoon sunshine down some Derbyshire and Staffordshire roads which was quite fitting as – after all - this was a joint run for the Notts and Derby and Burton and District sections – aptly named ‘Meet the Neighbours’

Thanks to Andy for devising and leading the run, Graham the back man and Nick Thompson for once again letting us use his pub and car park for our social gathering.























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