January 2018
Wishing you all a very happy and successful biking new year. In November last year we had our A.G.M which went very well. The Frost Bite Run on November 5th led by John Renwick was the last riding event for 2017. Unfortunately I couldn’t go but will use Eddy Grew’s words if I may to describe how well it went. He said eight bikes left the Appleby Magna services riding South along the A444 before turning of onto minor roads into Charnwood Forest and past Mount St. Bernard Abbey monastery. We pressed on in cold but sunny conditions to the lunch stop at Breedon Priory Garden Centre where there was a good selection of food. After refreshments John led them back towards Burton. Many thanks to John for organizing an enjoyable run. Sorry I missed it. For the full story go to our web site. http://burtonsectionvmcc.co.uk/